Achieve Your GED Easily With Onsego

4 mins read

The GED certification gives high school leavers the opportunity to earn a high school diploma equivalent in order to excel at their workplace or to continue their education. Since the conception of online learning, there have been numerous pathways for students to learn from the comfort of their own home and in their own time. 

Onsego’s online GED classes is one such option. It is effective and flexible, plus it’s affordable. 

Steve Gory, the founder of Onsego shares that his vision was to, “make education accessible and bring hope to high school leavers. In an ideal world, nobody would have to abandon their education halfway through, but life is tough and sometimes we need to make tough choices, but that doesn’t mean we should be punished for them. Onsego strives to bridge the gap between those in privileged places and those who aren’t as fortunate.”

The online education platform understands that everyone learns differently which is why they use a video format to deliver their classes in order to achieve a higher level of comprehension and understanding. Those that prefer to read through their subject materials can also do just that by going through the resources on the site. 

Onsego takes into consideration the learning preferences of each individual which is why they created this platform to help build a more conducive learning environment. The course is structured in such a way that it is easy to understand and students are able to take as much time as they need in order to review the material. Furthermore, engaging the services of Onsego helps hold students accountable and prevents them from quitting halfway through.

There are practice tests and quizzes that replicate real life scoring methods so that students will be able to learn from their mistakes and adjust accordingly. 

“Some students learn under pressure,” Gory explains, “That’s why practice tests are such an important element in learning. It drives the students to retain more information and also gives them the confidence to proceed to the next level.” 

Online learning doesn’t just benefit students, it also benefits the education system. Instead of hiring hundreds of teachers to grade these papers, online learning is automated and with the implementation of intelligent algorithms, students will be given relevant materials based on their practice tests in order to facilitate efficient learning. 

EdTech has truly revolutionized the way that people learn and has evened the playing field a little more with their innovation. Students in remote areas can learn as readily as those who live in cities and students who didn’t have the privilege of completing their high school education can now sit for an equivalency to better their future. 

One of Onsego’s top achievements is helping their students achieve their GED in less than two months. Their high success rate comes from the fact that they have special features to keep their users motivated alongside tools that boost productivity such as progress tracking and note taking.

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